
    The history of crochet dates back to the early 1800s. It evolved from Chinese embroidery, a form of needlework. During the Irish Potato Famine, people were able to make a living using the stitches. This was such a popular craft that schools were established to teach people to crochet.

    The art form spread to the United States and Canada, where immigrants brought the skills with them. Thus, crochet has a long and colorful history. In the 19th century, crochet became a popular craft in Europe. Its name comes from the French word “croche,” which means hook. At that time, crochet was used to make cheaper versions of lace. 


    Queen Victoria bought Irish lace made by this technique. Soon after, the first books of crochet patterns were published by Riego de la Branchardiere, and the art spread to other parts of the world. The history of crochet is rich.  Originally, the craft was first practiced by the Chinese and then spread to other parts of the world. It originated in Arabia, but is believed to have come from the indigenous tribes of South America. 

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    It is also believed to have evolved from Chinese embroidery, an ancient form of needlework. This art then made its way across the Pacific, eventually reaching Europe. It is not clear exactly when it was brought to Europe, but there is much documentation that shows it evolved from Middle Eastern embroidery.

    Crochet crafts have been around for centuries, but the word crochet actually came from the French word for hook. It was initially used as a cheaper substitute for lace. The method spread throughout Europe, and today it is the third most popular way to crochet. As a popular art form, it is often characterized by its versatility and creativity. Its motifs are often woven together and stitched into an intricate pattern.

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    The art of crocheting dates back thousands of years. It originated in ancient China and was first used by the Chinese to make clothes. The word “crochet” comes from the French word for drum, and the popularity of the craft has spread to other parts of the world. Although the name is confusing, the history of the craft is worth exploring. This fascinating form of sewing has evolved since the ancient Egyptians and is popular in modern Europe.


    The roots of crochet go back to the 19th century, when the technique gained popularity in Europe and the US. Its name is derived from the Middle French word for hook. Originally, the technique was used to create clothing that was cheaper than lace. However, crochet’s popularity spread so quickly that Queen Victoria even bought a blanket made of Irish lace. The style has been a popular and versatile craft for centuries.

    The modern style of crochet began as a form of decorative lace. It quickly evolved from a simple way to create small hats to a large number of accessories and even a complete garment. It was also used during World War II, when it was widely used to make hats and gloves. 

    In the post-war era, the art of crocheting became a personal creative form. The process was popularized in the 1970s and led to the creation of a wide range of accessories. The granny square was a popular motif, and the pineapple stitch is a widely known pattern.

    The history of crocheting began during the 19th century, when a pattern book was published. In 1824, the first known crochet pattern was published. Mlle.  Riego de la Branchardiere had converted various embroidery and needlework patterns into patterns for crochet. The popularity of this craft in the early 19th century was one of the main reasons for its popularity in the early 20th century. 

    See how important crocheting has become and today it is the source of income for many people? Let’s learn to crochet together?

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